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Great video from Rachel (Walla) Housman, CSP, CIH at Ally Safety discussing how traditional drug testing fails to prevent accidents in the workplace and dives into how alternative alertness tests, Including the AlertMeter®, are more effective safety and leadership tools in assessing worker’s alertness.



For more information on Ally Safety please visit their website at www.allysafety.com.


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Predictive Safety Provides Software & Apps for Fatigue Management

PRISM Manages Workforce Fatigue

Visualize, Quantify, And Predict Fatigue In Real-Time Before It Becomes A Risk For The Safest, Most Productive Workforce.

AlertMeter Empowers Worker Fatigue Self-Assessment 

The AlertMeter® allows you to anticipate who the next at-risk person could be and to put safeguards in place for that specific person at that moment.

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