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Some employers and safety pros may assume that the predictive risk management tool, AlertMeter® alertness testing is intended and appropriate only for certain industries, such as those in which employees have a certain degree of autonomy; clock in/out in the same place; and where risk from fatigue and impairment extremely apparent. 

However, predictive risk management is not industry-specific. It is used in industries ranging from healthcare to mining, and provides valuable insight for any company with human employees.

Two Important Qualities in Applying Predictive Risk Management

AlertMeter®’s adaptability across industries is made possible by two important qualities. The first is the test’s brevity. At 60 to 90 seconds, it is far shorter than other types of cognitive assessment and therefore more apt for occupational settings and associated time constraints. The second quality is its intended use on common mobile technology like smartphones and tablets. This means that workplaces can use either type of technology for their employees, whether their employees clock in at a single worksite, travel between worksites, do a combination of both, or drive all the time.

Predictive Risk Management Deployment Examples

A common setup for single-worksite employees, like manufacturing facility workers, is to take their pre-shift AlertMeter® tests as they clock in at their workplaces on AlertMeter®-dedicated tablets mounted on the wall, on a table, or on stands.

One option for employees who travel between worksites is to provide them AlertMeter®-dedicated tablets that they share with the members of their crews, like in healthcare, mining, construction, and oil & gas.

For employees who principally drive or operate mobile equipment, the smartphone app version of AlertMeter® is an easy option because employees can simply use their own smartphones to complete their tests at the designated times. AlertMeter® needs only access to the server via Wi-Fi or data connection, even if the connection might be slow. This setup may be appropriate for drivers and operators in healthcare, mining, oil & gas, maritime, construction, and of course, transportation/logistics.

AlertMeter®’s Admin Control Panel gives you the ability to determine which AlertMeter® version—the tablet version or the smartphone app version—makes sense for your entire workforce, certain crews, or even individual employees, if necessary.

Peace of Mind about Employees' State of Mind

AlertMeter® represents the new standard for ensuring fitness for work on a daily basis, and your company can see the benefits too. 

NSC National Safety Council - Impairment Detection Technology Report


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Predictive Safety Provides Software & Apps for Fatigue Management

PRISM Manages Workforce Fatigue

Visualize, Quantify, And Predict Fatigue In Real-Time Before It Becomes A Risk For The Safest, Most Productive Workforce.

AlertMeter Empowers Worker Fatigue Self-Assessment 

The AlertMeter® allows you to anticipate who the next at-risk person could be and to put safeguards in place for that specific person at that moment.

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